Saturday, December 01, 2007


Now that it's December, it's time for a countdown to Christmas and the end of the year. I've finished five quilts this year, the same as last year, but last year two of them were bed size. Only one of this years' was finishing something on my UFO list. I used to periodically make lists of all the unfinished quilts I had around, but I would usually lose the list. In 2002, I started a spreadsheet listing the name, description, size, status, and recipient if known. When I finish something, I put the status to 'All Done' and put the date in the Date Completed column. At the end of the year, I move all the items completed in that year to their own page. So now I can look back and see that in 2002 and 2003 I finished 9 quilts each, but it's really dropped off since then. And the UFO list isn't shrinking, because most of the quilts I've done are started in the same year. At least most of this year's quilts are made from my stash of fabrics. Except for getting more white fabric to paint on, I've only had a couple of buying episodes this year.

Just in time for December: a couple inches of snow fell this afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when we started the UFO list but you have taken it to another level. Good ideas
