Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy May

It's May already, and so much for my thoughts of blogging more in April. The past two weeks have been particularly busy and stressful at work, and I come home too tired to focus, certainly too tired to sew, and then I have nothing to blog about. But last night I went to Evan's track meet after work, and so I have a picture of him in mid-stride, mid-race in the 1600. It's fairly sharp too, which I have trouble achieving with runners. I remembered to change the setting to sports/action, I pre-focused before he got there, and I panned it a little.
Tomorrow is Carol's quilt day, so I have to figure out some project to work on and gather all my supplies.

1 comment:

  1. Hej Sue.Det tävlas även i din familj ser jag,min man är löpartränare och min son (18 år) är löpare,i helgen tävlar han i terräng-SM.Så det är många helger man är ensam hemma och då passar jag på med mina tyglappar. Ta det nu lungt i vårstressen och ha det bra.
