I've been working on it, slowly. I got the base table put together last week, which wasn't too bad except for getting it flipped upright by myself. Nikki was happy once that happened, so she could go back to sleeping on that rug. Here I'm trying to figure out how the tracks are attached and the poles are put together and waiting.
Then came the side brackets that hold the poles. One of the trickiest parts is having to read the directions for each step several times to figure out what they're talking about. Socket button head cap screws? Ratchet stop bushing? (there is a parts list with drawings, but it's not as easy as most IKEA furniture) When BT came over Wednesday, he put the Avante up on the frame for me. It still needs the handlebars attached to it, and various other connections hooked up. Tomorrow the rep is coming to help finalize the frame setup and give me some training. So maybe I will finally be able to start practicing quilting on it.
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