Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend in the Methow

Brent picked Nikki and me up late Thursday afternoon, and we drove across the North Cascades. We made pretty good time, and the sun was just fading off these peaks on the eastern side.

Yesterday Boo and I went to the Twisp Farmer's Market, and then a number of other stops to run errands. It's been pretty hot over here for a week, but yesterday afternoon there were scattered thunderstorms and then a really good rain that cooled things down. Good sleeping weather. 

Morning sun across the dewy meadow. 

Their garden is thriving, and we've been eating the radishes and lettuce. 

The Methow River, from the trail crossing. 

 The dogs enjoy the water in different ways. Peco prefers to stand only ankle deep, and take delicate sips. Nikki thinks its too shallow, and flops down for full immersion.

I think this tree is really an Ent!

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