Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Door Trip

Time to get caught up, blog-wise. Mid-August, I flew to Wisconsin for a week in Door County, visiting Mom. Both sisters and their husbands were there, as was my niece Emily, her husband Seb and their adorable baby Noah. It was a pretty relaxed visit - all of us have been there so many times before that we're not too concerned about going shopping, except for food, or seeing the sights.

Jill put this arrangement of wildflowers next to my bed. 

Chairs were set up for meteor viewing my first night, as it was the Perseid meteor shower. I only saw two meteors before it clouded over, still, that's more than I've seen in years.

We visited Mom every day, usually bringing treats for fika. Noah was always the star attraction.

There were several thunderstorms, and this one had really spectacular clouds as it wrapped around the peninsula. 

Noah enjoyed the baby swing hung between two trees. His parents prefer that his face not show in social media, but the movement blurred it pretty well here. 

On my last night, we went to the fish boil at Rawley's Bay. Fish boils are a Door Co. tradition, and Rawley's Bay Resort has enhanced the experience with a storyteller prior to the boil-over, and a buffet table for the dinner. So you're not stuck with just boiled whitefish, which is pretty bland (and full of bones!) 

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