Sunday, April 28, 2019


Ach, it's been over a year since my last post! Chemo is no joke, friends. Took it out of me for quite awhile. I've been feeling better and piecing again, although quilting anything larger than a mini will have to wait until I get the hip fixed. In the meantime, I don't want this blog to completely wither and die, like so many others these days. I have found some of my favorite blog writers on Instagram (I'm there too as @suecturner) but I think blogging still has its place.

Since I have nothing finished to show, I thought I'd put some pictures of tops that were done in the last year or so. And document, while I still remember, the pattern, fabrics, inspiration, etc for them.

Dreamweaver is a pattern in one of Tula Pink's books. I altered the proportions a bit. It started as a collection of Marcia Derse fabrics, and the color progression was filled in with some stash and even one or two of my hand-dyes. When we hauled it out for photos, I was surprised at how colorful it really is.

(It's really supposed to be horizontal, like this:)

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous. Very striking. It looks good both ways!
